Re: [hatari-devel] Cartridge help text

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On 01/12/2017 12:28 AM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
honestly, in all the years I worked on Hatari, that was the first time
this week that I run this program :) I never noticed before it was there.
I doubt many users will notice it too, you need to to add an extra drive
under GEM desktop and name it "c:" (in lower case, else it doesn't work).

If cartridge is present, like it's always when one uses GEMDOS HD
emulation, (real) TOS automatically provides cartridge drive icon
on the desktop.  User just needs to click it.

Only EmuTOS doesn't seem to provide that icon.
-> I'll mail about that to emutos-devel.

If we really want user to have a quick help text, it would be better
to add it into the F12 menu IMO.

I like this idea. As long as user hasn't disabled statusbar,
it will tell about F12, and that would then have help.

We could change "About" button to "Help" and that could
show the "About" text and buttons for viewing:
- Default Keyboard shortcuts
- License

-> If everybody agrees that this is a good idea,
   I can look into adding it.

What if we would announce a small "demo" competition,
to upgrade the cartridge help program?
Do you think anybody would be interested?

That seems like a lot of (too much ?) criteria ; although some demos are
still released nowadays, production is not as high as it was in the
'90s, I'm not sure many people would have time to code a demo just for us.
If people want to code an intro for Hatari, I'd rather have some
different intros to celebrate each new release of Hatari.

I like this idea too.

I have a few ideas of demo effects that could be used to do this, but as
many people I think lack of time is the main limitation, this also
requires a team of people for gfx and music, which can be difficult to
find a common timeframe to work on it.

Maybe cartridge intro should be just a new chip tune
(for compatibility reasons), with a text like:

	Celebrating Hatari vX.Y

	Chip tune by ComposerName

	- Eero

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