[hatari-devel] Cartridge help text

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Hatari cartridge image contains program that shows some
Hatari help text.  I noticed that it's a bit out of date.

Attached patch adds few missing keyboard shortcuts,
shortens other text so that they hopefully fit, and
makes the texts more consistent (all start with lower
case etc).

Thomas or Nicolas, if you have the setup to convert
the cartridge asm to data file, could apply my patch
or something similar and update the cart image?

	- Eero
diff -r 0a3d0cf7d3f7 src/cart_asm.s
--- a/src/cart_asm.s	Sat Jan 07 15:23:25 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/cart_asm.s	Sun Jan 08 22:51:30 2017 +0200
@@ -379,23 +379,25 @@
 	dc.b	'        =========================',13,10
 	dc.b	13,10
 	dc.b	' F11 : toggle fullscreen/windowed mode',13,10
-	dc.b	' F12 : activate the setup GUI of Hatari',13,10
+	dc.b	' F12 : activate Hatari setup GUI',13,10
+	dc.b	' ScrollLock: UNDO   PrintScreen: HELP',13,10
 	dc.b	13,10
-	dc.b	'All other shortcuts are activated by',13,10
-	dc.b	'pressing AltGr or Right-Alt or Meta key',13,10
-	dc.b	'together with one of the following keys:',13,10
+	dc.b	'Shortcuts activated by pressing given',13,10
+	dc.b	'key with AltGR, Right-Alt or Meta key:',13,10
 	dc.b	13,10
-	dc.b	' a : Record animation',13,10
-	dc.b	' g : Grab a screenshot',13,10
-	dc.b	' i : Leave full screen & iconify window',13,10
-	dc.b	' j : joystick via key joystick on/off',13,10
+	dc.b	' a : record animation',13,10
+	dc.b	' g : grab a screenshot',13,10
+	dc.b	' d : select/change disk A:',13,10
+	dc.b	' i : leave fullscreen & iconify window',13,10
+	dc.b	' j : switch joystick key emulation',13,10
+	dc.b	' F1-F4 : for joy 0 & 1, for pad A & B',13,10
 	dc.b	' m : mouse grab',13,10
-	dc.b	' r : warm reset of the ST',13,10
-	dc.b	' c : cold reset of the ST',13,10
-	dc.b	' s : enable/disable sound',13,10
+	dc.b	' r : emulation warm reset',13,10
+	dc.b	' c : emulation cold reset',13,10
+	dc.b	' s : toggle sound',13,10
+	dc.b	' x : toggle emulation fast-forward',13,10
+	dc.b	' y : toggle sound recording',13,10
 	dc.b	' q : quit the emulator',13,10
-	dc.b	' x : toggle normal/max speed',13,10
-	dc.b	' y : enable/disable sound recording',13,10
 	dc.b	0

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