Re: [hatari-devel] Ishar 1 and 2 falcon

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I've created another floppy from scratch, then copied all the files, then in hatari gui, I've done eject, then I quit hatari, launch hatari V1.8 and my floppy is empty again :/

There's something wrong, I'll check again tomorrow.


Le 26/11/2016 à 00:54, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
Or maybe a write to floppy (only if write is enabled of course) when there's a floppy change or when we quit hatari ?


Le 26/11/2016 à 00:53, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 26/11/2016 à 00:47, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
I didn't know about this eject.
On a real atari, the data are copied on floppy (there's no eject).

It's a bit strange and confusing. Anyway, thanks for the tip, I'll redo
my floppy and test again.

yes, I know it's a little bit confusing, I also had this case a few times :)

Maybe we could have a "write through" setting to flush each sector on the .ST image as soon as it's modified in memory, or maybe just update the whole .ST image on disk after 'n' seconds in case some data were modified in memory (for example 5 sec after the last write)


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