Fwd: [hatari-devel] Troed's MacOS build |
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Troed has some emails problem at the moment, so he asked me to forward his emails so people could download his OSX build and check if it works (note that he had some crashes with sdl 2.0.5 and Closure, do other people see this too ?) Nicolas ---------- Forwarded message ---------- It seems my emails no longer reach the mailing list - I did find it strange that I got absolutely no replies to any of the below ... (Verified by going to the list archive on the web just now,
none of them are there)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Troed Sångberg <tsangberg@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 6:39 PM Subject: Re: [hatari-devel] Troed's MacOS build To: hatari-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Alright, I'm just getting more and more confused. I've done a lot of testing with the RC1 build (SDL 2.0.5, "their" build script) I posted earlier. It crashes always/often (unsure if it's been exactly 100% or very close to it) in Closure at the start of the multi scroller screen - in ST mode. It does not seem to crash in STE mode. The code paths in the demo are extremely similar (sync scroll used also for STE) so already there it's pretty strange. I have not been able to provoke a crash with anything else I've tested (mostly Union Demo and We Were @) - at all. I'm out of ideas. It seems to be an SDL2 issue - but caused somehow by the specific behaviour of Closure in ST mode. An also only on older versions of macOS ... so I can't really see this being a showstopper. But I would appreciate it if others test as well. Btw Nicolas, the big y-swinging SYNC disting logo in the beginning of Closure shows two non-fullscreen lines at the bottom of the screen. I'm very surprised that I would've made such an error - is it possible Hatari is displaying 276 lines even though the VBLANK at line 274 should've kicked in? Needless to say, I don't see such non-fullscreen lines with my original Closure-disc on my STE with my Dell 2001FP with vpos set to show all (AFAIK) lines ... :P /Troed On Oct 22, 2016 11:35 PM,
"Troed Sångberg" <tsangberg@xxxxxxxxx>
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