Re: [hatari-devel] Troed's MacOS build

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Le 09/10/2016 à 22:36, Bob Carpenter a écrit :
I have run Troed’s MacOS (I guess I should call it that now) Hatari build. It looks good, but there was a problem that I forgot to mention to Jerome in the GUI. If you select Load Config from the File menu rather than using it from the Preferences dialog, you will get a message to reset the emulator. However, if you click on Reset, it does not reset Hatari but acts as if you had pressed Cancel and ignores your setting changes.

Also, I am thinking that View Tab Bar should be disabled in Hatari since it does work correctly at this time. In theory, it might be interesting to have several Hatari tabs available running different type of STs. However, all it does now is add an extra bar and no place to create a new tab. Therefore, I think simply disabling the option and eliminating questions is the way to go.

Bob C


I think current Hatari's code will be the one used for release and OSX UI code should be up to date.

Troed, would you have time to build an OSX binary, as the one you provided for the previous versions ?



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