Re: [hatari-devel] Interface and Hatari

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On 2 Jul 2016 at 22:49, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:

> Le 02/07/2016 à 22:11, David Savinkoff a écrit :
> >
> > Hi,
> > Here are my Hatari compiling notes, and a script for making a hatari
> > tarball from the current source code The script needs execute privilege.
> >
> Hi
> your steps are for more advanced users who'd like to fine tune their
> optimisation, which is fine.
> For people just wanting to start with the devel version in HG or the
> source of 1.9, you don't need to pass extra args to cmake. Just use the
> "./configure" wrapper script in Hatari (run ./configure --help) to see a
> list of possible options and their default values.
> After that, just run "make", no need to edit cmake files to get some
> default working parameters.
Thanks to both of you for your notes.  If the simplest way to configure is via
the configure script, the readme.txt file ought to advise beginners to use it.

Now back to my original problem.  Interface doesn't work on my Linux system
under Hatari 1.9.0 release version.  I followed the suggestion from Nocolas to
use the configure script, but that didn't help the end result.  Has anyone got
it working?


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