Re: [hatari-devel] Palette register handling in TT emulation

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Am Wed, 06 Jan 2016 18:26:10 -0500
schrieb "Roger Burrows" <rfburrows@xxxxxxxxx>:

> I'm working on improving TT video support in EmuTOS and I'm using
> Hatari 1.9 under Linux for testing.
> I was trying to understand the interaction between the
> ST(e)-compatible palette registers and the TT palette registers, so I
> wrote a test program and ran it on my TT.  It seems that (assuming
> the bank# in the TT shifter control is 0), the first 16 TT palette
> registers map directly to the ST(e)-compatible registers, and vice
> versa.
> If that's correct, then I think that Hatari is doing it wrong.  When
> I write to e.g. 0x00ff8242 (ST palette register 1), the word at
> 0x00ff8402 (TT palette register 1) isn't updated immediately.
> Similarly, writing to TT Palette register 1 doesn't update ST palette
> register 1 immediately.  This is different from real hardware.

TT support in Hatari is still very incomplete, so this could be wrong
indeed. Feel free to provide a patch - or I can have a look at this
later (got to fix some other bugs first, though).


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