Re: [hatari-devel] Gamma correction

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On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 8:19 PM, David Savinkoff <dsavnkff@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Gamma is not Hatari's
problem if Hatari doesn't do the things I mentioned. If SDL2 scales
things, that is SDL2 business. If your monitor is bad, that is not Hatari's

I'm still not 100% convinced about this. If there's a red pixel which looks on CRT monitors like full intensity but on LCD monitors looks like half of that value, it's Hatari's bug because SDL2 can't know what was the source of the pixel -- the videogame's graphician wanted to appear it as full intensity and he had used a CRT monitor. On the other hand, today the same graphician would use an LCD monitor, therefore there wouldn't be need for gamma correction.

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes

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