Re: [hatari-devel] OS X devel compiled binary |
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Le 18/11/2015 07:42, Thomas Huth a écrit :
> Right, it links against the SDL library itself, but what about
> libSDLmain.a ? Isn't there an libSDLmain.a (or libSDLmain.dylib or how's
> it called on OS X) somewhere in your framework or in /usr/lib or
> somewhere similar, too?
> The SDLmain.a library is required for the "startup" code and provides
> the main() function - unless you replace it with gui-osx/SDLMain.m when
> building a version with the OS X gui.
So, you are right: in order to build hatari with --disable-osx-bundle,
you should use the shared (or static) library installed with macport or
brew (I do not try brew). It's working.
I will try to make a ppc G4 build of Hatari 1.9.0 this way.
For Uwe: I do not have, using SDL 1.2.15 installed with macport any crash.