Re: [hatari-devel] PhotoChrome v6.2-pre |
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On Fri, 30 Oct 2015, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
I've now been testing Bobs OS X binary (thanks a bunch Bob!) and it
works well on OS X 10.11.1 which is the most recent. It needs XQuartz
to be installed though, it might be a good idea to move that dependency
for release package later.
the last 8 pixels of a 224 bytes STE overscan line are now correctly
I can confirm this, great stuff :)
- Cernit : looks OK with the fullscreen displaying lots of distorted 3D
- Drone : looks OK on the big "Drone" logo at start. But later, some effects
show some bad pixels in the right of the screen :
- image with an "exploding chest" has flickering extra pixels
Yep this is a coding error of mine, I didn't clear the extra bytes of the
screen, only what Hatari showed me. Lame mistake of mine.
- the 3D objects made with stars leave some pixels in the right
Yep, not clearing enough width, lameness inc. again. In fact there's a
huge blitter clear of the entire field rather than individual sprites.
Why? I couldn't do more sprites anyways because the 3D precalc would
use too much memory, and doing the clear this way is much easier.
- the image before this 3D part also has some wrong pixels in the right
Anders, do you see this too on your STE ? Are those bugs in the demo ?
(maybe it was only tested with an STE+monitor that didn't show the whole line
It is the same bug as the first picture with garbage in the far right
border. My fault. You can throw the eggs and rotten tomatoes at me now.
Some other of our demos tested:
- Appendix, the endscreen have 224 byte overscan and hscroll. It works OK
in Hatari but again show some unwanted graphics in the far out border,
this is due to missing blitter endmask (the scroller is hscrolled and the
checkerboards are blitter, and the blitter needs to shift to nullify the
hscroll). The earlier Hatari didn't show it as well as my normal
- More or less zero. There are several screens using 224 byte overscan
with hscroll, everything seems fine in Hatari.
- Sea of colour. The skyline skyscraper screen have the rasters leak out
in the far right border. I used the same colour in the right border as for
the gradient behind the scrapers. Meh, lamer mistake again. Apart from
this, the demo seems to work well.
- Summer delights. All seems fine in Hatari.
- Tuttugandi. Raster colour leak in the far left border during bitbender.
Did previous Hatari black out the left 8px with 224 byte overscan?
Otherwise I suck more than I expected, how could I leave it like that
- Sommarhack 2011 invite. There's a raster colour leak in the far right
border. It's an ST intro so this is where the stabilizer should usually
black out those pixels. So I think this is an Hatari thing to fix.
- It makes me shake (Spice Boys). Seems to be correct overscan-wise.
- Riverside. All seems OK including splitscreen spec512 screen.
- SNDH Update 4.4. All overscans, hardsyncs and syncscrolls work fine.
Anders Eriksson