Re: [hatari-devel] OS X Hatari 1.9.0 devel version

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When I moved all of your Frameworks that I do not use to ~/Library/Frameworks, I could run your Hatari build. 

These are the instructions I use for Hatari to see its embedded Frameworks:
Drag SDL.Framework from /Library/Frameworks to root level of Hatari Xcode project. Leave the Xcode defaults alone. To include the framework in the bundle, add "@loader_path/../Frameworks' to the Debug and Release options in the Runpath Search Paths. You find this section under Build Settings in the Linking section. Make sure the Hatari project is selected rather than any of the targets. Also, create a Copy Files build phase in the Hatari target. This is what actually copies the SDL.Framework to the Frameworks directory of the bundle.

Edit: In Xcode 5 and later, I had to add the "@loader_path/../Frameworks" to the hatari target as well as the ALL_BUILD target in order for Hatari to see the embedded frameworks.


> On Nov 7, 2015, at 2:43 AM, Jerome Vernet <vernet.jerome@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Le 07/11/2015 02:10, Bob Carpenter a écrit :
>> Jerome,
>> Unfortunately, I cannot run any of your Hatari versions because it is looking for the Readline framework but it cannot find it in the package. I do see it there, but Hatari does not see it.
>> Bob C
> Hi Bob,
> Can you send me the error message ?
> You may have it working by moving Readline Framework in your ~/LIbrary/Frameworks folder. With CMake, I need to tell to Hatari where to find Frameworks, never recall how this should be done.....
> For the black screen bug: I also think it's a SDL 2.0.4 bug. I think that, just right after doing the full screen stuff, we have to ask a full repaint of the screen, but do not know this can be done with SDL.
> Jerome

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