Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari data cache tests |
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Le 22/06/2015 00:30, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
cycles = CyclesGlobalClockCounter - cpu_profile.prev_cycles; cpu_profile.prev_cycles = CyclesGlobalClockCounter; cycles <<= nCpuFreqShift; IIRC, that's some code I sent you, but i it could be wrong, I don't think the << is needed, else we don't keep consistancy with the traces from disasm. I will have a look at this and let you know.
I removed the shift by nCpuFreqShift as it was not needed. This didn't affect statistics percentage in the profiler, because all cycles were multiplied by the same amount, but this didn't match the cycles reported by "--trace cpu_disasm".
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