Re: [hatari-devel] DSP for Previous

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Sorry, a little lack of time today, but I'll have a closer look at everything aroud the DSP tomorrow.

> at one point, I remember I did some modifications to how int signal is connected to the mfp, and some tests needed to be done on a real falcon, but I don't think anyone had time to do it. My idea was that sthg was indeed wrong in the current dsp int handling.

I gave a quick look and noticed a difference between hatari and my real Falcon, but I didn't have time to look deeper at it.


Le 09/06/2015 22:21, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 09/06/2015 20:12, David Savinkoff a écrit :

I'm a curious onlooker and noticed that nobody responded to this patch:
What is the status?


at one point, I remember I did some modifications to how int signal is connected to the mfp, and some tests needed to be done on a real falcon, but I don't think anyone had time to do it. My idea was that sthg was indeed wrong in the current dsp int handling.


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