Re: [hatari-devel] HDDriver issues with WinUAE CPU core (and with EmuTOS) |
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- To: hatari-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [hatari-devel] HDDriver issues with WinUAE CPU core (and with EmuTOS)
- From: David Savinkoff <dsavnkff@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 14:29:56 -0700 (MST)
- Thread-index: mg4SEeW0gJFXO7uAtGDRJPlqTdyAaw==
- Thread-topic: HDDriver issues with WinUAE CPU core (and with EmuTOS)
----- Uwe Seimet wrote:
> I simply replaced my TOS 3.06 image file with the EmuTOS 0.9.3 image
> file and enabled 24 bits addressing. (32 bit addressing does not seem to
> work with EmuTOS.) The rest of my configuration remained unchanged.
* (32 bit addressing does not seem to work with EmuTOS.)
Is this a problem that needs to be addressed by
EmuTOS and/or Hatari?
> Then I
> simply started Hatari and HDDRIVER correctly reports both IDE drives and I
> can access them. HDDRUTIL also works, which means that HDDRIVER is fully
> active as the SCSI Driver features are available.
> Like before I started HDDRIVER.PRG from the AUTO folder of my GEMDOS boot
> drive C.
> By the way, the ST/TT RAM memory test still does not work. (This is an
> issue I reported some time ago.) Have there been any changes in the meantime?
> When I start Hatari without ST-RAM configured, then enter the UI,
> configure 4 MB ST-RAM and 32 MB TT-RAM, and then reset Hatari. The
> memory test bar for ST-RAM becomes endless (see screenshot) and Hatari
> hangs forever.
> With a real TT the bar just displays about 16 or so "-" characters for
> ST-RAM, then the amount of ST-RAM in MB, and then in the next line the
> results of the TT-RAM size are displayed.
> Take care
> Uwe