Re: [hatari-devel] HDDriver issues with WinUAE CPU core (and with EmuTOS) -> RAM detection issue

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> > Well, I don't have a problem with EmuTOS not supporting 32 bit mode.
> > What I just wanted to check whether there are any problems with EmuTOS
> > and HDDRIVER, as listed in the Hatari manual, but I could not find any.
> > 24 bit mode so far was fine for verifying this.
> Snapshots are pre-build, so you just need to download the 512k binary
> (for TT/Falcon) from here:
> In my experience, they work better than latest release
> (faster, more fixes or features etc), release is better
> only if you want complete translation to your own language. :-)

Maybe we misunderstand ;-). I just wanted to check whether there are any
problems with HDDRIVER and EmuTOS, because the Hatari manual says there
are. But I did not find any with EmuTOS 0.9.3. The fact that EmuTOS
0.9.3 does not work with 32 bit addressing is not relevant for me.
I just wonder what the problems mentioned in the Hatari manual are
supposed to be. If there are none anybody can reproduce the manual
should probably be updated ...

Take care


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