Re: [hatari-devel] HDDriver issues with WinUAE CPU core (and with EmuTOS) |
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Hi Uwe,
(Sorry for late reply)
On sunnuntai 04 tammikuu 2015, Uwe Seimet wrote:
> I suggest a minor correction in the manual. Currently it says that for
> the IDE drive emulation TOS >= 2.05 is required. This is not quite
> correct, at least with real Ataris you only need TOS >= 2.05 in order to
> *boot* from IDE drives. If you don't want to boot from them (e. g.
> because you boot from an ACSI drive or your hard disk driver is located
> in the AUTO folder of an emulatec GEMDOS boot partition) you can use IDE
> drives with any version of TOS.
Verified & updated the document.
At the same time I noticed that new WinUAE core isn't compatible
with HD Driver + IDE.
Setup for testing:
$ wget
$ wget
$ wget
$ zip2st
With new WinUAE CPU core IDE isn't recognized:
$ hatari --conout 2 -m --ide-master hddrdemo90_little_endian.img \
<after booting, open A: and run HDDRIVER.PRG>
C 1989-2014 Uwe Seimet
M68000 Bus Error reading at address $f00079.
Exception 2 (0) at 15752 -> 1575a!
M68000 Bus Error reading at address $f000b9.
Exception 2 (0) at 1576a -> 15772!
M68000 Bus Error reading at address $f000f9.
Exception 2 (0) at 15782 -> 1578a!
M68000 Bus Error reading at address $ff8781.
Exception 2 (0) at 13d36 -> 13d38!
Atari IDE 00.00: .. .. .. .. .. ..
Atari ACSI 00.00: [No device found]
With Old UAE CPU core it is recognized:
C 1989-2014 Uwe Seimet
M68000 Bus Error reading at address $f00079.
Bus Error at address $f00079, PC=$15752 1574c 4a39
M68000 Bus Error reading at address $f000b9.
Bus Error at address $f000b9, PC=$1576a 15764 4a39
M68000 Bus Error reading at address $f000f9.
Bus Error at address $f000f9, PC=$15782 1577c 4a39
M68000 Bus Error reading at address $ff8781.
Bus Error at address $ff8781, PC=$13d36 13d32 1038
Atari IDE 00.00: Hatari IDE master disk
Atari ACSI 00.00: [No device found]
ACSI works fine even with new WinUAE CPU core:
$ hatari --conout 2 -m --acsi hddrdemo90_big_endian.img
C 1989-2014 Uwe Seimet
Illegal instruction: 4e7a at 00010A2E -> 00010A38
M68000 Bus Error reading at address $f00039.
Exception 2 (0) at da0e -> da16!
M68000 Bus Error reading at address $f00079.
Exception 2 (0) at da26 -> da2e!
M68000 Bus Error reading at address $f000b9.
Exception 2 (0) at da3e -> da46!
M68000 Bus Error reading at address $f000f9.
Exception 2 (0) at da56 -> da5e!
M68000 Bus Error reading at address $ff8781.
Exception 2 (0) at c00a -> c00c!
Atari ACSI (ICD) 00.00: Hatari EmulatedHarddisk
Drives: C
> The manual also says that HDDRIVER does not work with EmuTOS. Any idea
> what's supposed to be wrong here?
That text is from ~5 years ago, from EmuTOS 0.8.x and
older HD driver (and worse Hatari ACSI/IDE emulation).
Unfortunately I don't anymore remember what problems
there were.
As to now... E.g. doing above IDE and ACSI tests results in:
- HD DRIVER not being executed from ACSI image at boot
- EmuTOS seeing image contents regardless of that
- double clicking on anything on the image, either immediately
or after running hddriver.prg from floppy image,
just giving error.
> On first sight I did not find any problems, using EmuTOS 0.9.3.
How did you use EmuTOS with HD driver?
- Eero