Re: [hatari-devel] HDDriver issues with WinUAE CPU core (and with EmuTOS) -> RAM detection issue

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Le 10/01/2015 13:14, Uwe Seimet a écrit :

I'm sorry for the confusion, I meant "without TT-RAM configured". I
started Hatari without TT-RAM, then added 32 MB of TT-RAM in the UI.
This was in TT mode, I usually don't use any other mode.

Using a config file instead of the UI to configure TT-RAM does not
change anything, the memory test still does not work as it should.
Please find my config file as an attachment.

Take care


I tried to start Hatari with tos 3.06, 14 MB RAM as in your config file (-s 14) then change memory to RAM 4 MB and TT RAM from 0 to 32, but after the reboot I don't get the problem you describe.

From what I see, you also use 24 bit adress mode and no mmu ? But that's what I used too.

Do you get different results if you uncheck "boot faster by patching tos" ?

Can you try with an empty config file (-c /dev/null) and add the necessary parameters to the command line until you get the problem ?

Does someone see the same problem ?


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