When compiling, it did find the PNG library on my system. However, it is still possible that the compression was not activated. Your binaries have the libPNG framework included along with the other frameworks. That is why your binaries would be the best option to be hosted at Tuxfamily when 1.8 is released.
Bob C
20gb for 3min? Wow! Even with SDL shortcuts? Compression is not activated.... jV
Envoyé de mon iPad Thomas,
Thank you for committing the patch. I downloaded the most recent code and the animation capture/end capture works fine. I was concerned when I received an AVI index error when trying to play the AVI. However, I received the same error when doing the capture through the SDL menu so it is not related to my very small change.
Since the AVI files were so huge (20 GB for 3 minutes), I would not have kept them in that format anyway. I simply used VLC to convert the AVI file to M4V format. VLC helpfully offered to recreate the index and everything played perfectly. It also allowed me to play the AVI directly if I used VLC. QuickTime complained about the bad index and only played a few seconds of the video.
The status bar update improvements appear to have helped OS X video capture as well. When I tried capturing video in the past, Hatari was so sluggish as to be unusable. Now, I was able to record video while playing the game at full speed. However, I have to confess that my Mac hardware has been upgraded since I last attempted to capture video in Hatari. If the process was disk bound before, my SSD would help that problem.
Bob C
your patch sounds reasonable to me, so I've committed it now to the repository. Jerome, Cocoa, if you think this should be done in a different way, please complain!