Re: [hatari-devel] OS X menu items and shortcuts |
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On Jun 4, 2014, at 5:03 PM, Bob Carpenter <hatari@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I am also wondering why the stop animation capture menu item does not actually stop the video capture.
Jerome, Cocoa Pod,
Could one of you examine this change to see if this is correct? I do not know any Objective C at all but, after looking around at the nib file, I realized the endCaptureAnimation action was empty in SDLMain.m. It only contained a comment with a question mark. I simply added the code that I saw in CaptureAnimation that was meant to stop the animation. When I tested it on my own code, it did stop the AVI recording and the menu items were at the correct state. End Animation Capture was greyed out and Begin Animation Capture was enabled. I also saw that the timer had stopped and the recording LED had changed from red to black.
The AVI also played from QuickTime Player and VLC.
Here is the very slight code change to SDLMain.m:
--- src/gui-osx/SDLMain copy.m 2014-06-04 21:23:43.000000000 -0500
+++ src/gui-osx/SDLMain.m 2014-06-04 21:26:28.000000000 -0500
@@ -301,7 +301,9 @@
- (IBAction)endCaptureAnimation:(id)sender
- //?
+ GuiOsx_Pause();
+ Avi_StopRecording();
+ GuiOsx_Resume();
- (IBAction)captureSound:(id)sender
Thanks for looking at this.
Bob C