[hatari-devel] OS X menu items and shortcuts

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Jerome, Cocoa Pod,

I was wondering why the keyboard shortcuts in the File menu do not work. If I use the Insert Disk A keyboard shortcut, Hatari starts recording video instead. The Insert Disk B and Create Floppy shortcuts do not do anything other than give you the ST keyboard click sound. Pressing Command-O for the Load Config menu instead brings up the SDL menu that should only appear on F12. Under Capture, in the File menu, you can start a capture using the OS X menu, but the End Animation Capture command does not work. You need to go into the SDL menu to actually stop your screen capture.

I only ask this because I have seen this question at Atari Forum. Honestly, I have gotten used to simply using the menus instead of the keyboard shortcuts and I do not take video captures.

Thank you both for your hard work on the OS X interface. It has been a relief to be able to use the native OS X menu without concerns that it would suddenly crash Hatari.

Bob C

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