Re: [hatari-devel] OS X menu items and shortcuts |
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After only using it for a few minutes, I see the side effects. There are two problems:
1. For non-system keystrokes, the keystroke is sent to OS X and Hatari. Therefore, Shift-Cmd-A not only opens the box for inserting a disk in drive A, it also starts video recording as well. Where there is not a conflict, you get the OS X command (Cmd-, for Preferences) and you get a system sound as if you pressed a key in Hatari.
2. The bigger problem is that Cmd-M is taken over by OS X and minimizes the window. The mouse is no longer captured. The mouse capture shortcut would have to be changed from Cmd-M. From the last time this came up, I know that would be a very unpopular decision.
After seeing this, I remember the problems now. I am wondering if we should simply remove the keyboard shortcuts from the File menu. The shortcuts on the Emulator menu appear to work as designed. Are those Hatari keyboard shortcuts and not part of the OS X interface? Leaving the File shortcuts there make it seem like they should work. I am also wondering why the stop animation capture menu item does not actually stop the video capture.
Bob C
On Jun 4, 2014, at 2:18 PM, Jerome Vernet <vernet.jerome@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 04/06/14 13:48, Bob Carpenter wrote:
>> Jerome, Cocoa Pod,
>> I was wondering why the keyboard shortcuts in the File menu do not work. If I use the Insert Disk A keyboard shortcut, Hatari starts recording video instead. The Insert Disk B and Create Floppy shortcuts do not do anything other than give you the ST keyboard click sound. Pressing Command-O for the Load Config menu instead brings up the SDL menu that should only appear on F12. Under Capture, in the File menu, you can start a capture using the OS X menu, but the End Animation Capture command does not work. You need to go into the SDL menu to actually stop your screen capture.
>> I only ask this because I have seen this question at Atari Forum. Honestly, I have gotten used to simply using the menus instead of the keyboard shortcuts and I do not take video captures.
>> Thank you both for your hard work on the OS X interface. It has been a relief to be able to use the native OS X menu without concerns that it would suddenly crash Hatari.
>> Bob C
> Uncomment this line in SDLMain.m, in applicationDidFinishLaunching. Let me know. Without this line, SDL do not pass event to MacOsX, so shortcut do not work: only standard Hatari Shortcuts.
> //setenv ("SDL_ENABLEAPPEVENTS", "1", 1) ;
> But it have some side effects I forget... Try and test !
> Jerome