Re: [hatari-devel] mingw-w64

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On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 9:49 PM, Nicolas Pomarède
<npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> regarding a 64 bit toolchain, I think we could add it to the repo. As for
> your 32 bit file, is it different from the one already in repo ?

Yes, and better IMHO since mine targets i686 and uses mingw-w64 and
not mingw. Mingw and Mingw-w64 are two seperate projects and after
following them both for a while, mingw-w64 seems to win.
Also, I found a bug in the old Toolchain file that have buggered me a
lot, which I also found a solution for (cmake seems to have trouble
finding SDL with cross compilers).


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