Re: [hatari-devel] Atari monitor switching under OS X

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I look forward to testing the next OS X build.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 3:54 PM, Jerome Vernet <vernet.jerome@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

No. X11 isn't needed, it should be absolutely removed from cmake for MacOsX. I do not know how, as I do not use cmake at all to build (just initial configuration, I then remove any X11 references).

I was thinking that a simpler solution to the X11 problem is simply to rename your /usr/X11 directory to some other name (/usr/X11-2?) temporarily while you generate the Cmake file. After the XCode project is generated, you can rename the X11 directory back to its proper name.  

Yes. I remember that I found a way to make it working. There is another guy working on Hatari Mac, wich do not use any repository, I have deleted my changes by puting his things... Damned again...

As I recall, it was a single line of code that you added to one of the files that made the keyboard shortcuts work. Initially, it was doing both the OS X shortcut and the underlying Hatari option (bring up file selector for selecting drive A but it also started the video capture). However, I thought that had been corrected.

Bob C 

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