Re: [hatari-devel] Atari monitor switching under OS X

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Unfortunately, I cannot start this version of Hatari. I think this is the important part of the crash report.

Dyld Error Message:
  Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libreadline.6.2.dylib

I do have XQuartz installed correctly now, but it does not include the libreadline that you have. 

I have also seen the crash and missing status bar text (I still see the indicator lights though) along with the missing SDL text in the F12 menu. However, since I never owned a Falcon, I really do not spend time using that mode so I admit that the problems do not affect me.

If you intend to move the .hatari directory to /Application Support/Hatari (or do you mean ~/Application Support/Hatari?), this needs to be in a readme. Even though there was a complaint on Atari-Forum, I am used to seeing hidden "dot" directories in my home.. Since I realize that you probably cannot change the hidden cfg file into a Mac preference file, I am concerned that changing the location of this directory might affect other more technical OS X Hatari users that are used to looking for .hatari in their home directory.

Bob C

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 1:49 PM, Jerome Vernet <vernet.jerome@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Le 11/08/13 03:59, Bob Carpenter a écrit :


Since I rarely use ST High resolution, I forgot to test whether the Hatari OS X interface had been fixed to allow you to change to a monochrome monitor and reboot into ST High successfully.
Can you try this build: ?

A lot of thing are changed in this build (.hatari directory moved in /Application Support/Hatari and, I hope, a fix for this bug.

One big bug remain: when in Falcon mode, Hatari crash at Exit, and the StatusBar is not displayed anymore....


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