Re: [hatari-devel] trace output format |
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On 11/08/2013 01:38, Eero Tamminen wrote:
I think you're now referring to CPU disassembly tracing. I wasn't suggesting changing that [1], it already contains fixed sized PC address field.
Yes, when using "--trace all", "cpu_all" is implied. It will print the usual disassembly you would get from the debugger, but also some extra infos regarding cycles and video position.
eg :cpu video_cyc=133124 44@260 : $fc01bc : 48e0 f000 movem.l d0-d3,-(a0)
But I guess it can be a bit different when one is looking at tricky interrupt, video etc timings. Just remember that adding symbols to interrupt handlers, profiler can provide you list of where they were called from and how many times.
When working with demos/games to debug, you don't have any symbol. I could create some, but usually the problem is not related to where or how many times they were called, so symbols won't make the problem easier to solve. What is often important is the flow of the instruction and how they interleave with other components.
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