Re: [hatari-devel] trace output format

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Douglas, how much you have nowadays need for CPU disassembly tracing when you're debugging bugs in Bad Mood sound, DSP etc interactions?

I usually try to avoid 'trace cpu_disasm' for anything more than a very short burst e.g. 'run until that address nearby'. It's too easy to end up with a huge meaningless log but it does come in useful sometimes. 

I try to rely more on symbol tracing if execution needs to be longer - although this doesn't work for everyone because not all programs have symbols :)

I do use cpu_disasm very regularly when *stepping* code manually though, as it makes it slightly easier for my brain to keep track of context - it shows the instruction which was last stepped (useful because everything else scrolls out of view after a few steps)

For studying disassembly, the profiler output is sometimes more helpful because it's smaller and has extra info in it.

I often find the instruction encodings (opcode words) useful too on the left side. One or other mode has this - I can't remember which one. But it's useful to have.


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