Re: [hatari-devel] trace output format

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On 11/08/2013 00:58, Eero Tamminen wrote:

With today's GB sized disks, I don't think the small space increase
is a problem.  I've never had problems with the space the traces
take, just with finding the relevant data from them.

the problem is not the space on disk, the problem is when you want to open the full trace file under 'vi' for example, which I often need to do to trace complex issues that require several seconds of traces. In that case you need to deal with 2Go or more text file, and it will be slowwww to open in text editor, so every byte counts.

I'm not convinced, but if you really want to change it, go ahead. :-)

Will have a look later ; my working copy has pending changes I can't commit at the moment.


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