Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari debugger question |
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On 10/08/2013 17:17, Douglas Little wrote:
Hi, "trace io_write" did prove useful, thanks. However I don't see an equivalent way to capture changes to the CPU vectors $0-$140. There does seem to be a comprehensive list of tracing axes but I can't tell if any of them overlap with these. Any suggestions? (I did manage to do something similar by setting up conditional breakpoints on each one changing but it's a lot more effort than 'trace'). Thanks, D.
Hellothere's no generic way to intercept all RAM read/write. This is a tradeoff for emulation speed, since RAM accesses usually won't trigger anything,adding a check on each acces would slow down things (while I/O accesses need to be passed to the corresponding HW handler).
I'm planning to add this kind of condition one day for RAM, but not at the moment. In the meantime, I think you can add a breakpoint on "$140 != 140" for example, but this will work only for one memory address, if you want to do a large area, you would need to specify them all one after the other (could be made with a small script to generate the list of corresponding breakpoints' intruction)
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