Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari debugger question

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"trace io_write" did prove useful, thanks. 

However I don't see an equivalent way to capture changes to the CPU vectors $0-$140. There does seem to be a comprehensive list of tracing axes but I can't tell if any of them overlap with these. Any suggestions?

(I did manage to do something similar by setting up conditional breakpoints on each one changing but it's a lot more effort than 'trace').


On 10 August 2013 14:51, Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On lauantai 10 elokuu 2013, Douglas Little wrote:
> Is there an easy way to trace all writes to a specific memory region?
> More specifically, writes to an interesting set of hardware registers,
> within some address range

Unfortunately, no.

> (Or even just all hardware registers - that would be nearly as good).

Yes: "--trace io_write".

> I'm trying to track down a conflict between two audio replay routines
> (SNDH replay, and separate DMA replay) and I'm not sure where the
> conflict is. The SNDH player is modifying some MFP or audio DMA state
> and I'd like to know where and why it needs to do this so I can make
> changes.

Interpreting trace of all IO writes is easier if you can:

* Somehow reduce the amount of traced code, by setting some
  breakpoints where you start the tracing and where you end it.

* Provide debugger just symbols for functions that are relevant
  for understanding what code could be doing the calls, and use
  "cpu_symbols" tracing in addition to "io_write" tracing.

  (just removing symbols for generic things that that get called
   "too often" could be enough for that.)

        - Eero

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