Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari debugger question

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On 10/08/2013 17:36, Douglas Little wrote:

I have one more, additional question relating to this. :)

The 'trace' feature reports events usefully, but it doesn't seem to
report *where* they occur. There is no address information (see below).
Trying to set conditional breakpoints on these to catch them in the same
way as the CPU vectors won't work because they may be written without
the value changing and some would get missed.

Is there a way to get trace to report addresses of the traced events?

Returning to emulation...
IO write.b $fffa19 = $00
IO write.b $fffa1f = $00
IO write.b $fffa07 = $3f
IO write.b $fffa13 = $3f
IO write.b $fffa1b = $00
IO write.b $fffa21 = $00
IO write.b $fffa07 = $3f
IO write.b $fffa13 = $3f
IO write.b $fffa1d = $50
IO write.b $fffa25 = $00
IO write.b $fffa09 = $74
IO write.b $fffa15 = $74
IO write.b $fffa17 = $40

In your case, you would need to add "mfp_all" to the traces to really get MFP specific informations (including the PC)

Usually, you can 1st start with just io traces, then once you know which component to check, add some more detailled traces for it.


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