Re: [hatari-devel] Extended VDI screen in Falcon mode

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On 04/02/2013 15:04, Eero Tamminen wrote:
Another option is to disable VDI mode completely for Falcon,

As you wish.

as TOS 4.x supports only 32kB modes.

640x480x16 color = 150 kB

Could you provide a very large 16-color Falcon bootup video mode number
so that I could test the usability of NVRAM thing better?

Nonsense, the video mode numbers are limited to 640x400 (or 640x480 in VGA).

Which scenario would you like to test?

With the solution I proposed (and which seems to be implemented well in your patch - not yet tested by me), we should be able to select any extended video mode in Falcon mode. If it works, I don't see anything to add.

Vincent Rivière

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