Re: [hatari-devel] Extended VDI screen in Falcon mode

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On maanantai 04 helmikuu 2013, Vincent Rivière wrote:
> On 04/02/2013 13:32, Eero Tamminen wrote:
> >> Hatari should use the same same strategy for Falcon extended video
> >> modes. The situation is similar, anyway.
> > 
> > What's the point of this support?
> The point would be to support extended video modes without additional
> software. From the user point of view, I see Hatari's Extended VDI
> screen support as a great feature, and I wonder why it is only available
> in ST mode.

It works also in STE and TT mode.

> Also (before your patch) when enabling an extended VDI screen with
> Falcon hardware, EmuTOS display was wrong. For the newcomer, it suggests
> that EmuTOS is buggy, and this is not acceptable. Fortunately,
> everything should work well with your patch.

Another option is to disable VDI mode completely for Falcon,
as TOS 4.x supports only 32kB modes.

Could you provide a very large 16-color Falcon bootup video mode number
so that I could test the usability of NVRAM thing better?

(As long as it doesn't provide any advantage over normal Videl
with TOS v4.x, I don't see much point in it for Falcon.)

> > However, Falcon's Videl&  TOS v4 support larger resolutions than
> > ST/STE and their TOS versions.  "Videl Inside" v1.2 settings utility
> > lists 1664x592 as the largest resolution supported on RGB/TV monitor
> > for 1, 16 and 256 colors (with interlace).
> I don't know "Videl Inside" (and Falcon stuff in general).
> Is it supported by Hatari?

Sure, I did that test with Hatari.

Possibly it would allow even larger resolutions if one would
update its config.

> > Videl Inside 1664x592 16-color mode works fine with TOS v4.x,
> > why it doesn't work with latest EmuTOS?
> Good question, this should be investigated.

I'll mail emutos-devel.

	- Eero

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