Re: [hatari-devel] IKBD regression with EmuTOS

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On 10/02/2013 19:56, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
for example do sthg like :
- send $80 and $01 to $fffc02 to do a reset
- test bit 0 of $fffc00 (RDRF)
- when it's '1', it means you receive the $f1 byte that indicate the ikbd
has completed its reset. You should then read $fffc02 to clear the RDRF bit.
- send $1a and send $12

Ok, I did the above and it works fine :-)
I have also tested with Steem and ARAnyM, both returns 0xf1 as version byte.

However: it hangs if the keyboard is unplugged (ex: FireBee).
What to do? Use a timeout?

Vincent Rivière

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