Re: [hatari-devel] IKBD regression with EmuTOS

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On 03/02/2013 20:28, Eero Tamminen wrote:
When using Hatari's *WinUAE* CPU core with ST emulation, mouse
in EmuTOS is frozen.  In normal ST TOS (v1.04) it works, and
with EmuTOS when using the old UAE CPU core.

Actually the problem is with latest Hatari version, regardless of
CPU core.  EmuTOS works when using Hatari build from 13th of December,
but not with the latest one.

Latest Hatari version has following changes which probably are
relevant for this:
   - Full implementation of the MC6850 ACIA, giving much more robust
     IKBD emulation
   - Better timings for all IKBD commands (measured on a real STF)

These fixed issues in few demos and games, but I assume either
of them broke EmuTOS mouse handling in VDI mode.

I encountered this bug on the current Hatari HG with EmuTOS, too.

Whatever emulated hardware / speed / CPU core / etc.:

- When Hatari is just started, the keyboard and mouse do not work in EmuTOS.

- After using Reset in the Hatari UI, everything works fine.

Any hint will be welcome.
If there is a bug in EmuTOS, it has to be fixed before the upcoming release.
However, we never experienced such behaviour on other hardware/emulators.

Vincent Rivière

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