Re: [hatari-devel] IKBD regression with EmuTOS

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On 10/02/2013 18:08, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
looking at the reset sequence,

Thanks for your analysis, Nicolas.

The main oddity is that EmuTOS works fine on real hardware (STe and Falcon), while it doesn't in the latest Hatari. So I suspect an inconsistency in Hatari.

Also, on Hatari, I don't understand why it works fine after Reset, since the EmuTOS initialization code is the same.

It then sends the following bytes to the ikbd : $80, $01, $1a, $12.

This resets the keyboard


and sends $1a and $12 *during* the reset,

Do you mean that we send $1a and $12 too early after the reset?
Do we have to wait a bit?

which put the ikbd in a mode where it reports both mouse and joystick. Is
this really intended ?

Yes, we expect to receive mouse and joystick packets.

But the main problem could be that after the ikbd reset, you will receive a
byte $f1

Really? I don't see that in "Le livre du développeur".

Can you describe what emutos is supposed to do to handle this $f1 byte ?

Currently, AFAIK EmuTOS does not expect that $f1 byte.

When comparing with tos 1.04 for example, it sends only $80 and $01 and read
$fffc02 to clean the RDRF bit.

Ok, EmuTOS will need fixing if $80 $01 really answers with $f1.
But that does not explain why it works fine on real hardware.

Vincent Rivière

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