Re: [hatari-devel] strange behaviour with infinite loop?

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On lauantai 09 helmikuu 2013, Thomas Huth wrote:
> It's certainly not a "feature" of Hatari that is causing this pattern.
> Maybe there is still an interrupt handler running which goes wild? You
> could check with the debugger to see whether there is still some other
> code executed (put a breakpoint to the bra.s instruction, and when it
> hits the breakpoint, disable the breakpoint again, enable the
> cpu_disasm trace flag and continue the emulation).

CPU disassembly generates a lot of output.  I prefer to use Hatari
profiler to see from which memory addresses instructions are executed.

(I.e. enable profiler, and after letter emulation run for a while,
invoke debugger and ask for profiled addresses.)

	- Eero

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