[hatari-devel] strange behaviour with infinite loop?

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Hi, I have a question re: Hatari behaviour when a TOS program crashes or locks up....

I have been debugging a problem with my code and noticed a pattern recurring when my program gets stuck in an inescapable loop.. At first I assumed it was just my stuff getting out of sync and filling the display with garbage but now I notice this same pattern occurs after a few seconds when I send the CPU into a deliberate deadlock...

.inf nop
bra.s .inf

I'm beginning to wonder if this is Hatari trying to issue an error message or something via the Atari display to indicate a lockup condition? I can't see any way my program could display this pattern after it gets into this loop. I'm not writing memory within interrupts or anything like that...

It could still be something strange in my program but the coincidence factor is beginning to point towards something specifically in Hatari. The pattern is always the same, even if the causes for the program stopping are significantly changed (including deliberate stopping).

Any thoughts on what might be happening here?

BTW this isn't actually causing me a problem because it only happens *after* the program halts - it does not cause the program to halt. So I'm really just curious to know what it is - if it can be identified as a Hatari post-mortem thing I can just ignore it. Otherwise I have to keep looking...


Attachment: fault.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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