Re: [hatari-devel] IKBD regression with EmuTOS |
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According to the IKBD specs from Atari, sending 0x80 0x01 resets the keyboard,
which performs a self-test. If the test is successful, the ikbd will return a
code of 0xF0 within 300ms.
So I would say that if Hatari returns 0xF1, it is returning the wrong code.
And EmuTOS should be waiting for a 0xF0 with a 300msec timeout.
Also, EmuTOS sending the 0x1a and 0x12 will *disable* mouse and joystick
reporting, not enable them. So perhaps what is happening is that on real
hardware, they are ignored (because they happen too fast), but Hatari processes
them, leaving mouse & joysticks disabled.