Re: [hatari-devel] Problem with SCSI initiator command register

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> Why you have these settings for TT emulation:
> 	bCompatibleCpu = FALSE
> 	bCycleExactCpu = FALSE
> 	bCompatibleFPU = FALSE
> ?
> This might affect some timings too:
> 	bPatchTimerD = TRUE

I already tried different settings.

> > My gcc version is 4.5.3, but if I remember correctly with older 
> > versions the problem was the same.
> > I tried several settings, Cycle Exact, 8 MHz instead of 32 etc., but the
> > loop still takes very long.
> Cycle exact?
> Are you using WinUAE core with TT emulation?

Yes, I have been using this core for quite a long time.

> (That's the least tested Hatari CPU core and machine type combination.)

It is being tested by me ;-).

Anyway, as Thomas already pointed out, not the actual looping appears to
be the problem. Looks as if the (missing) emulation of the SCSI chips
signals is the main cause for my problems.

Take care


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