Re: [hatari-devel] WinUAE default options? (was: Videl borders) |
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On lauantai 10 maaliskuu 2012, Eero Tamminen wrote:
> Sure, no problem. What are the exact WinUAE config options that should
> be set for WinUAE core when user selects TOS4 or Falcon? And what the
> options should be when user select non-Falcon machine or TOS?
I.e. what values these options from configuration.h:
bool bAddressSpace24;
bool bCycleExactCpu;
bool bCompatibleFPU; /* More compatible FPU */
bool bMMU; /* TRUE if MMU is enabled */
Should have on:
* TOS4 / Falcon
* TOS3 / TT
* TOS 1.x / ST(E)
Btw. Changing other options than n_FPUType seem to require reset.
Isn't it necessary for FPU changes?
- Eero
PS. What's UAE_NEWCPU_H define? It seemst to be checked in m68000.c
and uae-cpu/newcpu.h.