Re: [hatari-devel] emutos 0.8.5 not working ? |
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Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
So we need to have workaround to warn the user, either automatically (which doesn't seem possible so far due to the lack of a version string in emutos) or in the doc.
Sure, in some future EmuTOS will have to provide a proper way to detect its version. But ironically, this will be useless because newer versions of EmuTOS have no trouble with Hatari ;-) Thanks to Thomas, newer EmuTOS versions are able to deal with Hatari's inaccuracy.
Since any EmuTOS patch will not affect the previous 0.8.5 release, I suggest you to detect it with some heuristic. For example, you can look at the offset 0x55b4c and check for the "0.8.5" string. Unfortunately this offset will change in any newer build.
-- Vincent Rivière
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