Re: [hatari-devel] emutos 0.8.5 not working ?

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On 19/12/2011 20:31, Thomas Huth wrote:
Am Mon, 19 Dec 2011 00:04:28 +0100
schrieb Nicolas Pomarède<npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
But if fastboot is required with emutos 0.8.5, maybe we should add a
test in stMemory.c or tos.c to force memvalid when emutos is<= 0.8.5
and FastBoot is not enabled ?

As far as I know, there is no easy way for Hatari to determine the
version of EmuTOS. And since we'll ship the latest (working) version of
EmuTOS with the next release of Hatari anyway, I don't think it is
worth the effort to write such a test.

Too bad, I thought there would be a similar string as in Atari's tos to figure out the version number.

I will add a note about this in the doc (in the case of people compiling from the hg sources, they might not be aware than emutos 0.8.6 or later is available)


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