Re: [eigen] Improved dashboard submissions...

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I spend lots of time investigating the issue and found no solution. ;(

Gael's patch does not help since "msbuild" does not allow to define
multiple targets and the "all" target is always defined. So right now,
building the test through the "Experimental" or "Nightly" targets does
completely fail on msvc. In that regard, our previous solution was a
bit better but it was a good idea and it works for make-file

I also investigated using the new "scripting" style of CMake. That's
promising because it allows to do something like this

  ctest_build(TARGET buildtests)

which would use the target "buildtests" for running and building the tests.

I even tried to alter the ctest command via


in order to be able to use the new scripting functionality to trigger
building the correct target. Also a "fail" because the scripting
requires me to specify whether we are running an "Experimental" or
"Nightly" build and I cannot alter the CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND per target.

There seem to be only two solutions left ...

1) Reactivate the ALL target and include the tests.
2) Remove the DartConfiguration.tcl and allow dashboard submissions
via "testsuite.cmake" or a novel and improved script only.

We could even auto-generate such scripts for experimental builds while
running CMake.

- Hauke

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