Re: [eigen] new tutorial on writing functions taking Eigen types as paramters

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2010/8/4 Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Thanks! I must say that this page is already extremely useful to have.
> I have allowed myself to make directly some changes into your page,
> tell me if you'd have preferred discussing a patch first.
> Basically:
>  - i have rephased  the beginning to be more precise.

Note: I haven't had time to look further down. If you can find other
places that can be made more precise and/or concise, that can't fail
to please me!!


>  - I have turned the first example into a full selfcontained, compiled
> examples. Of course, no need to do the same for all the other examples
> (would take too much space). But having one like that doesn't hurt.
> Here's a TODO item for this page:
>  - mention Nested (at the end of the page! it's an advanced topic, but
> it's important for advanced users).
> Benoit
> 2010/8/4 Hauke Heibel <hauke.heibel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> I updated the tutorial and tried to integrate you comments.
>> - Hauke

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