Re: [eigen] Re: meeting in February?

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This is great!

If Jitse also comes, we're then 6 people which is more or less the
maximum we can reasonably do with our current possibilities for
meeting rooms.


PS. i guess you know this one but anyway: " -- T'habites
Bourg-la-Reine? ou t'habites Choisy-le-Roi? -- Non, ma... euh j'habite
porte des lilas."

2009/12/10 Mathieu Gautier <mathieu.gautier@xxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> Since I'm living near Paris (Bourg-La-Reine, RER B). I can easily be there.
> I can also host someone in my living room, if there's funding or/and
> accommodation issues.
> For the meeting room, it may be easier to be hosted by one of the
> universities of Paris, but I don't know if it's possible.
> --
> Mathieu

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