Re: [eigen] Totally missing /O2 for MSVC-Compiler

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Geoffrey Hutchison schrieb:
eventually I get all green with:

If someone can explain how to set up a nightly CTest setup, I can run with darwin-9.x-gcc-4.0.x and darwin-9.x-gcc-4.2.x.


I follow the instructions below "Submitting test suite reports" on this page: today and after two iterations mainly in the names of things you can read about my tests: "GORDO".

Note: I think you have to avoid spaces in the parameter. E.g. mine is:
ctest -V -S testsuite.cmake,EIGEN_BUILD_STRING=windows-vista-x86_64-MSVC-2008(9.0.30729.1),EIGEN_CXX=cl

all the rest is done by ctest!

good luck

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