Re: [casetta] Wake up

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Fabien ANDRE a écrit :
Could you provide me an access to the svn ? My tuxfamily login is .... (guess ...) xion345
Maybe, but TuxFamily say "Utilisateur Introuvable"...
Yes, I noticed that I could not log on I subscribed some months ago and my account was apparently deleted. Sorry to make you loose your time with an account that does not exist. I subscribed another once and it mat be now possible to add me in the "casetta" group !
I've added you. Tuxfamily said "L'utilisateur sera ajouté le plus 
rapidement possible".
According to you the windows installer is also important...
Not really for me... but for windows users. But I've always say I 
doesn't want to make more than the distutil setup, so it's not a 
priority of the project. Just an useful things, and because you've 
made some work on it, you'll make some people happy :)
I imagine a windows installer will not be so useful for you ! I said that because in Trac, the task has a "major" priority. But this is not a problem :-).
If you want, I can change to "minor". But Trac has five level of 
priority, and "major" is the middle...
I will first work on support for raw data and transfer of all G65 data types and then I will try to make an installer. Personally, I think that the distutils installer is too complicated because people have to install python first and a lot of libraries before then can actually install casetta. But it is definitely the easiest to make.
And it's the problem of the OS: there is no way to make easily a 
installer with a dependency system...
I am really interested in this "compatibility layer", could you say more about that ?
The mail will follow.

Yes, It is not urgent. I think this feature is for casetta 0.5.
I think it could be good to have it in casetta 0.4, but we can talk 
about that...
Thesa ~ Florian Birée
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