Re: [AD] Finding a solution to the Windows problem

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On 2015-04-11 12:03 PM, Max Savenkov wrote:
Also, there is always an option to fix dependencies version, and compile
all of them by hand, and then just put ready-made binaries somewhere.
How often do we need a newer version of FreeType or libpng, really? It
is even possible to do it for all versions of MSVC in use (I'd say drop
2005 and 2008, but support 2010-2013/2015).

I don't see why we can't do it that way. I've always done the same thing, even on OS X and Linux (so that package updates don't break the game I compile most of the dependencies myself and link statically.) Then I use the same ones until there's a reason to update them which is mostly never.

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