Re: [AD] Finding a solution to the Windows problem

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I keep wondering... Most Allegro dependencies has CMake files (official or unofficial). For some of the others, it should be easy to write one. Having all dependencies compile via CMake should make building Allegro for MSVC fairly trivial, no? The only problem I know of is FreeType, which has its own build system, but it has support for VS, and it should be easy to write a CMake file that just calls this build script with proper arguments.

Also, there is always an option to fix dependencies version, and compile all of them by hand, and then just put ready-made binaries somewhere. How often do we need a newer version of FreeType or libpng, really? It is even possible to do it for all versions of MSVC in use (I'd say drop 2005 and 2008, but support 2010-2013/2015).

As an active Visual Studio user, I'd support any efforts to make it easier to compile Allegro for that platform, and ready to provide any assistance necessary. Myself, I have no problems at all with building Allegro for VS2010, as I have all dependencies compiled once, about two years ago maybe, and still use them every time.

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