Re: [AD] Finding a solution to the Windows problem

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Am 12.04.2015 um 10:03 schrieb AJ:
> On 12/04/2015 4:03 AM, Max Savenkov wrote:
>> Also, there is always an option to fix dependencies version, and compile
>> all of them by hand, and then just put ready-made binaries somewhere.
>> How often do we need a newer version of FreeType or libpng, really?
> VERY VERY good point.    why exactly do 136 people need to compile the 
> same thing?

It's better to make compiling easy than trying to avoid it. Otherwise if
a recompile is needed a few years later it will be even harder and more
annoying to do it.

In one project I am involved in [1] only one guy had everything set up
to build on Windows. Then he left the project and now there are no new
Windows builds anymore because it would be just too annoying to set up.
(And there's noone who cares enough.)



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